ISOTECH Walk in Low Temperature & Humidity Modular Seed Storage Chamber is special type of MSS Chambers which are specially designed to store the seeds for longer periods for to getting good germination results.
Walk In Low Temperature & Humidity Modular Seed Storage Chamber allow Farmers as well as researchers to control the environmental conditions when studying plants. Researchers, biologist, and other professionals can control humidity, temperature and other factors.
Also help plant pathologists fight disease and geneticists develop sturdier food crops. They provide essential data for seed germination that will use to fight off the future food crises.
In the past time, a scientist would develop a new type of grain that they believed could survive a shorter growing season. They would then have to test their crop in the real world. If their grain did not survive, it meant years of wasted work and hungry mouths to feed.
This type of dynamic research leads to the creation of new crops. Researchers can adapt to changing climatic patterns and other conditions. Water shortages could have devastated communities in the past. Now, we are able to plan ahead through the use of Low Temperature & Humidity Modular Seed Storage Chamber and the variability they afford.
ISOTECHoffer a wide range of products that meet the requirements of Agriculture R & D Institutes / ICAR unites/ Universities/ Seed Industries /Agricultures Industries /Biologists and Researchers around the globe. We have designed our products to give you the adaptability and reproducibility you need, to improve your research.
Main Features
- Storage material: Seeds of cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds and fiber crops.
- Volume: 10.000Ltrs to 3, 00,000 L.
- Temperature Range: + 15° C to +20° C.
- Humidity Range: 30% to 50%.
Instrumentation System
Programmable controller using large screen display. Instrumentation package features flexible. Other functions are included user friendly operation with TFT LCD touch screen as well as key input, graphical display of program patterns, testing history trend grapes. A no. of programs & profile segments with ramp & soak duration provided for cyclic operation. The controller is able to communicate with many different types of hardware using high speed RS 232/485 communications ports, networking and USB communications for fast downloads. Power failure recovery operation system.
We deal with
Environmental Simulation Products
BOD Incubator
Cold Chamber
De Humidifier
Deep Freezers
Dust Chambers
Growth Chambers
Hot and Cold Chambers
Hot air Oven Chambers
Humidity Chambers
Reach in Growth Chambers
Salt Spray Chambers
Solar Chambers
Stability Chambers
Thermal Shock Chambers
Tray Dryer
Walk-in Cold Chambers
Walkin Environmental Chambers
Walkin Hot and Cold Chamber
Water Heated Jacket Oven
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