Some analysts predict that the trend of vehicle electrification will accelerate even more in the next decade. Lithium-ion battery technology is considered a big part of this, continuing to grow up to 2028.
Continue reading “Isotech Battery Test Chambers for Safe Lithium-Ion Battery Testing”Uses Of Environmental Stress Screening Chamber (ESS): All You Need To Know
ESS Chamber is used to evaluate the integrity of the thermal-mechanical properties of the product after exposure to rapid change of ambient temperature.
Continue reading “Uses Of Environmental Stress Screening Chamber (ESS): All You Need To Know”RAPID COOLING ENVIRONMENTAL / CLIMATIC CHAMBER
Rapid-rate temperature test chambers are meant to test the durability of your product for long-term storage or operation in these environments. Temperature cycling between high and low temperatures will create accelerated thermal fatigue of solder joints, seals, and connections in your product.
Continue reading “RAPID COOLING ENVIRONMENTAL / CLIMATIC CHAMBER”Environmental Chamber Combined Black Body Radiation System
Isotech Technology Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, achieved one more milestone in its product category, and it is the first time an Environmental chamber integrated with a Black body Radiation system in a low-temperature application for the Defence sectors /ISRO /Aerospace. Etc.
Continue reading “Environmental Chamber Combined Black Body Radiation System”Walk in Psychrometric Test Chamber
The Psychrometric Test Chamber’s primary purpose is to evaluate the performance of Railway air conditions / Domestic / Central air conditioners.
Continue reading “Walk in Psychrometric Test Chamber”Burn In Chambers
Burn-in chambers or burn-in ovens are the names given to all climatic chambers that are able to reach certain temperatures and therefore perform the Burn-in Test.
Continue reading “Burn In Chambers”
ESS Environmental Chamber
Environmental stress screening (ESS) refers to the process of exposing a newly manufactured or repaired product or component(typically electronic)
Continue reading “ESS Environmental Chamber”Optical Fiber Cable testing Thermal Chamber
Changes in the attenuation of optical fibre cables which may occur with changing temperatures are generally the result of buckling or tensioning of the fibres.
Continue reading “Optical Fiber Cable testing Thermal Chamber”Environmental Chamber For TCCF-AWS Sensors
An Environmental Chamber for TCCF -AWS Sensor’s testing is a controlled environment capable of producing conditions that a product will encounter during its use.
Continue reading “Environmental Chamber For TCCF-AWS Sensors”Environmental / Climatic Chamber
ISOTECH Environmental Test Chambers designed very precisely controlled environment of,
- Temp Range: -75°C to +180°C.
- Humidity Range: 10% to 97% RH,