Temperature and Humidity Chamber

Climate Test Chambers, Type ClimeEvent

Seasonal variations and different climate zones – Your products must be able to withstand various temperatures in construction, transportation, storage and usage. Weisstechnik Climate Exams Chetters ClimeEvent helps you to test the properties of your products, the impact of the activity and the temperature and the impact of frost and humidity. In reproducible, certified, and in accelerated environments.

The world first from Weisstechnik, the Climate Avantimate Climate Test chamber, is set in the criteria of performance and future-proofing and usability. Today, Climi Entreprene makes it into a highly environmentally friendly and user friendly solution, with a new refrigeration that demands today’s standards to new standards. Optimized air guidance provides better-in-class performance. Advanced WEBSeason® user interface can control, manage, and monitor your tests anywhere, anytime – from your tablet or smart phone.

Consumer Prizes Overview:

The new, environment friendly refrigerator R449A Optimized Airflow, Distribution Distribution WEBSeason® web based user interface

Different Types of Humidity test Chamber

Environmental structures, thermodynamics and moisture intruders (which are dependent on ecosystems. These are designed to test biological and industrial materials, and special provisions (atmospheric structure, humidity and temperature environments).

They are designed as a space for testing. These rooms can have a variety of tests, physical properties often humidifies and tempered, and therefore designed specifically to control these things, make sure that the test can be done correctly.

A test report must include a test report, and it will take care of specific tolerances and conditions performed by the test.

They are usually small rooms, use test and control test designs. Small units are also available; These are used by the control items condition. There are really small chambers available; They are too small for a test device like a universal testing machine.

Chambers will be programmed in advance by cycles of different systems, each with different temperatures. Some of them are in certain conditions. Some possibilities of a chamber are given below:

Electronics – Tests with temperature range from -65 to 150 degrees

Building parts – mixed rains are copied to these sections.

Animals and herbs – controlled CO2, humidity, and temperature.

Dresses – can be imagined with the standard of living.

Wesley Clark writes about the climatic test chambers. Visit the Business Merge Product page for details of the Climatic Test Chamber details and distributors.


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Environmental Simulation Products
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