String & Central Inverter Burn-in Chambers

What are inverter manufacturers doing to make their products more reliable? What are the most critical reliability metrics? These are some of the most common inquiries we receive.

Inverter testing is a time-consuming procedure. Each component should be separately verified for quality prior to assembly. Certain components (capacitors, resistors, and integrated circuits) may be x-rayed in addition to a visual and physical inspection to ensure that no manufacturing faults are present. Quality, on the other hand, begins at the design table for a really trustworthy inverter.

The first step that inverter manufacturers should take is to reduce the number of parts that are prone to failure.

Fans and LCD panels are frequently included in this category. Fans’ motors burn down with time, while LCD screens frequently fail after years of exposure to the outdoors. Quality control testing should be done once a strong design is in place and inverters start rolling off the production line to assure reliability and performance while simulating real-world exposure.

Environmental chambers are used to simulate heat cycling, humidity, UV exposure, freezing temperatures, exposure to sea conditions, and high vibration in testing facilities.


Reliability Test

  1. Verification of potential causes based upon DFMEA
  2. Subassembly ALT, Thermal, Thermal Cycle
  3. Environmental Testing – Temp/Humidity, Salt Fog
  4. HALT
  5. System Level ALT.

What is a salt spray chamber?

Accelerated testing

It is a cost-effective technique for increasing the reliability of commercial and utility-scale solar Grid inverter equipment. Highly accelerated life testing (HALT) and accelerated life testing (ALT) are the two most commonly used tests (ALT). Due to the nature of the acceleration factors utilised in the test, whereby the unit is subjected to increasingly higher stress levels and the addition of combined temperature and vibration, HALT produces results in a matter of days. HALT is a powerful tool for identifying design flaws at both the system and assembly levels.

Accelerated Testing Applied to PV Inverters

  1. Accelerated Life Testing
  2. Temperature
  3. Humidity, Temperature-Humidity
  4. Voltage
  5. Temperature Cycling
  6. Power Cycling
  7. Highly Accelerated Life Testing
  8. Cold step stressing
  9. Hot step stressing
  10. Rapid thermal transitions
  11. Vibration stop stressing
  12. Combined environments.

Accelerated Life Testing

ALTis a technique for determining wear-out processes and lifetime within certain confidence levels. Environmental acceleration factors can be used by ALT to determine product reliability in a matter of weeks or months. ALT is a useful method for detecting wear-out failure since it can identify dominant failure modes. Furthermore, ALT approaches can be used as qualification criteria for lifetime confidence limits that have been set.

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Highly Accelerated Life Test – HALT

  1. HALT is intended to uncover design and design margin issues
  2. Five stresses
  3. Cold step stressing
  4. Hot step stressing
  5. Rapid thermal transitions
  6. Vibration stop stressing
  7. Combined environments in addition to maximum loading the inverters are exercised under power
  8. Corrective Actions
  9. Achievement of acceptable design margins
  10. Temperature margins, Vibration margins, Combined stresses


We deal with

Environmental Simulation Products
BOD Incubator
Cold Chamber
De Humidifier
Deep Freezers
Dust Chambers
Growth Chambers
Hot and Cold Chambers
Hot air Oven Chambers
Humidity Chambers
Reach in Growth Chambers
Salt Spray Chambers
Solar Chambers
Stability Chambers
Thermal Shock Chambers
Tray Dryer
Walk-in Cold Chambers
Walkin Environmental Chambers
Walkin Hot and Cold Chamber
Water Heated Jacket Oven

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